Account Deletion

At PandaPex, we have a user profile deletion policy for Buy Cheap Instant Internet Data and Airtime, and contact importing. This policy outlines the steps and requirements for users who wish to delete their accounts.

1. Account Deletion Request: To initiate the account deletion process, users need to submit a written request to our customer support team. This request can be sent via email or through our online contact form.

2. Verification Process: Upon receiving the account deletion request, our customer support team will verify the identity of the user. This is done to ensure that the request is legitimate and authorized by the account owner.

3. Data Backup: Before proceeding with the account deletion, we will inform the user about the consequences of deleting their account. This includes the permanent loss of all data, including contact lists, message history, and any other stored information.

4. Account Deletion Confirmation: Once the user confirms their intention to delete the account and acknowledges the consequences, our team will proceed with the deletion process. This process involves permanently removing all user data from our servers.

5. Confirmation Email: After the account deletion is completed, we will send a confirmation email to the user, notifying them that their account has been successfully deleted.

It is important to note that the account deletion process is irreversible. Once an account is deleted, all data associated with it will be permanently removed from our system. Therefore, users are advised to carefully consider the consequences before requesting an account deletion.

Please keep in mind that this policy specifically applies to your PandaPex account, and contact importing account with us at PandaPex. For any other services or features provided by PandaPex, different policies may apply.